Electronic projects

How to turn any webcam into a powerful microscope

This post will show you how to make a quality microscope out of an old webcam . This is really easy to do.

Step 1: materials required

  • Actually, the webcam itself
  • Screwdriver
  • Super glue
  • Empty box
  • Brain and some free time

Step 2: Opening the webcam

First, open your camera. But be careful not to damage the CMOS sensor.

You need to extend the capture button wires to capture still images. I also took out the LEDs on / off wires. They were gray and yellow (you may have different).

Step 3: working with the lens

Now we need to flip the lens over the CMOS sensor. Place it 2-3 mm away from this sensor and secure (eg with super glue).

Step 4: assembling the camera

After flipping the lens, reassemble the camera. It is now ready to be used as a microscope.

Step 5: final stage

Now you need to attach the camera to the box, as shown in the photo. She is now ready to receive images!

You can also put a mirror so that the light spreads over the entire “object of study” and under it. Now our microscope is completely ready!

Several pictures taken with this webcam / microscope

Enjoy! 😉

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