Electronic projects

Universal IR remote control from a smartphone


Universal IR remote control from a smartphone

The smartphone has long migrated from the category of ordinary phones, which are used purely for calls. Hundreds of different applications allow you to turn your smartphone into various digital devices, thus making our life much easier.
So today, I want to show you how to make a universal IR remote control out of almost any smartphone, with which you can control TVs, music centers and other equipment.
We need absolutely a little: two IR LEDs, which can be ripped out of old remotes or bought – HERE . Three and a half millimeter “Jack” plug from old headphones or buy – HERE .
Smartphone with “Android” system and Internet for downloading applications from “Google Play”.

Diagram of an IR remote control attachment from a smartphone


All you need is to solder two LEDs back-to-back to the connector. And your console will be ready. You need to solder to the outputs of the channels of the left and right, the general output will not be used.

Assembling the attachment for the IR remote control

First of all, I glued the LEDs together with super glue, twisted the leads and soldered them.
Then I shortened the pins, as they turned out to be too long. Then he bit off the common wire at the plug with pliers and soldered the LEDs to the central terminals. Everything worked out pretty neatly.
Now all this needs a body. Since I took a new plug with a body, I simply cut off the top with a clerical knife and assembled the entire attachment.

You can pour hot glue on everything or dress and blow a heat shrink tube.
This completes the assembly.

Installing the app

Follow this link and download the application to your phone with installation.
AUDIO IR – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ir_remoter&hl=ru

After installation, we launch the application, select the model of your equipment in the settings that you want to control. Click on the buttons that appear, checking the operation of the console.
The thing is very convenient, given the large number of remotes in one phone.
PS: If the application suddenly does not work or you do not like it, then you can look for another one. To do this, enter “Audio IR” in the Google Play search box.
Now you can take this tiny attachment with you wherever you go and control various equipment in public places.

Watch the video of the production of the set-top box


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